What do you call a baby turkey? The young turkey is called a “poult.” This simple but intriguing subject intrigues us, especially since Thanksgiving is approaching and we’re considering turkeys. These birds have fascinating gobbles and fan tails, and their life cycle is intricate. Learn about baby turkeys, including their names and how they grow and change throughout their first several months.
What Do You Call A Baby Turkey?
The young turkey is called a poult. This cute, unusual name describes turkey chicks from hatch to a few weeks old. Ancient English “poult,” which now only refers to turkeys, gave rise to the word “poult” today.
Chicks hatch from their eggs as cute, downy animals. At this age, babies are vulnerable and depend on their mothers for warmth, safety, and direction. These young turkeys are born as poults. They develop survival skills and become robust birds soon. This was the answer to what do you call a baby turkey?
What Are Poults Prone To?

Chicks begin a difficult and exciting journey from hatching. Turkey hens usually lay 10–14 eggs and incubate them for 28 days. After hatching, chicks are awake and can move. They can follow their mother quickly because they are precocial, which is crucial for survival in the wild.
In the first few weeks, poults are more prone to be wounded or devoured by animals or objects. The protective hen calls and signals to her brood when they are in danger or safe. Starting with bugs and other small animals, the hen teaches her chicks to find food. This protein-rich meal helps them proliferate. First-month growth and development are significant. Chicks lose their soft down feathers to immature bird feathers, which are warmer and more protective. Their legs and wings strengthen, which is vital for their future and mobility. This is all you need to know about what are baby turkeys called and why.
Read on more to know about what do you call a baby Turkey.
Egg to Young Animal Growth Stage

Poults grow through the “juvenile” stage. They enter this stage at 4–5 weeks. They look different while this happens. Their bodies develop stronger and more marked as their downy fluff is replaced by structural feathers. This is a particularly essential time for wild turkeys to learn how to fly, even though they often remain on the ground and only fly for short distances to escape potential danger.
Children usually stay with their mothers until autumn or early winter. During this stage, they can learn to find food, recognize predators, and grasp flock social behavior. When ready to leave their mother, they have all they need to survive.
Social and physical growth occurs throughout this stage. Older turkeys spend more time with other young turkeys and learn the pecking order that will be crucial to them as adults. These interactions aid their survival and socialization by fitting into larger groupings.
Turkeys People Value Chicks

Poults are crucial for turkey growth and stability. Each turkey’s offspring represents its future, and the number of turkeys that survive affects the group. Predators, food, and the environment can affect wild turkey numbers. Raising poults well is crucial for turkey population expansion and security.
The surviving pups are the primary focus of conservation efforts. It is important to manage the environment so that it can provide nesting, food, and protection from predators. Through an awareness of the challenges that poults face, conservationists may help ensure their survival and increase the number of turkeys.
By observing the development of turkey chicks, one can gain insight into the behavior and lifestyle of wild turkeys. Poults provide experts with the opportunity to investigate the behavior, reproduction, and survival of turkeys. To preserve wild turkey populations through conservation and management measures, these statistics are necessary.
In the above, we discuss what is a baby turkey called and explore more about it. A “poult” is a baby turkey, a cute and vital stage in their life cycle. Poults go through a significant transformation that is essential for the survival of turkey populations. They progress from being weak at birth to being powerful and independent young birds. Learning about turkey poults’ early life demonstrates how they grow and change and how crucial it is to preserve them. Learning about their travels makes us respect turkeys and the natural systems that sustain their populations. This was all about what do you call a baby turkey.
What are young turkeys called?
The young turkey is a poult. Hope this makes it clear on and it is nothing special.
How much time does Turkey hen take for eggs to hatch?
Turkey hens hatch eggs in 28 days.
What young chicks eat?
Chicks get protein from insects and other small animals to thrive.
When chicks receive their first feathers?
Chicks start feathering at 4–5 weeks.
What do poults do for turkey populations that matters?
Turkey’s populations must stay steady and grow, and chick survival rates affect how they do.
We have covered all the below topics in the above article
Baby turkey name
What is a baby turkey called
Term for baby turkey
Baby turkey terminology
Young turkey name