How Was God Exposed in the World? Understanding Divine Revelation

Throughout history, humanity has sought to understand how God is revealed in the world. This exploration encompasses various forms of revelation, each offering insights into the divine presence.

General Revelation

General revelation refers to the knowledge of God available to all people through natural means. This includes the observation of nature, the universe, and the inherent moral sense within humans. Scriptures such as Psalm 19:1 state, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands,” emphasizing that creation itself testifies to the existence and attributes of God. Additionally, the human conscience, which discerns right from wrong, is seen as a reflection of God’s moral law embedded within us.

Special Revelation

Beyond the general, God has revealed Himself through special revelation, which includes:

  1. Scripture: The Bible is considered a primary source where God communicates His will, character, and plan for humanity. 2 Timothy 3:16 affirms, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”
  2. Jesus Christ: Christians believe that God fully revealed Himself through Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:15 describes Jesus as “the image of the invisible God,” indicating that through Jesus’ life and teachings, the nature of God is made manifest.
  3. Direct Communication: Throughout biblical narratives, there are instances where God communicates directly with individuals, such as through visions, dreams, or angelic visitations. These personal encounters provide specific guidance or revelation pertinent to particular circumstances.

Continuous Revelation

Some theological perspectives hold that God continues to reveal Himself beyond the canonical scriptures. This belief in continuous revelation suggests that through the Holy Spirit, individuals and communities can receive ongoing guidance and insight relevant to their context. This concept emphasizes a dynamic relationship between the divine and humanity, where revelation is not confined to the past but is an active, present reality.


The ways in which God has been exposed in the world are multifaceted, encompassing both universal and personal revelations. Through nature, scripture, the person of Jesus Christ, and ongoing spiritual experiences, individuals have encountered and understood the divine presence in diverse and profound ways.


  1. What is general revelation?
    • General revelation refers to the knowledge of God revealed through nature and the moral conscience inherent in humans, accessible to all people.
  2. How does special revelation differ from general revelation?
    • Special revelation involves God’s direct communication to humanity, such as through scripture, Jesus Christ, and personal divine encounters, providing specific insights beyond general revelation.
  3. Is the Bible considered a form of special revelation?
    • Yes, the Bible is viewed as a primary source of special revelation, where God discloses His will, character, and redemptive plan for humanity.
  4. What role does Jesus Christ play in divine revelation?
    • Jesus Christ is believed to be the fullest revelation of God, embodying the divine nature and providing a tangible manifestation of God’s character and love.
  5. Does God continue to reveal Himself today?
    • Many believe in continuous revelation, where God, through the Holy Spirit, provides ongoing guidance and insight to individuals and communities in the present day.