Coins In A Biblical Parable: Lessons From The NYT Crossword Clue

The New York Times crossword often incorporates themes from religious texts, and one such example is the clue, “coins in a biblical parable”. This reference points to the talents, a form of currency mentioned in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. In this parable, a master gives three servants different amounts of talents and expects them to use these coins wisely. The talents symbolize not only wealth but also the skills and responsibilities entrusted to each individual. The servants are judged by how they multiply their resources, teaching a lesson about stewardship and accountability​.

Another significant parable involving coins is the Parable of the Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:41-44). Here, a poor widow donates two small coins, showcasing that the spirit of giving is more important than the monetary value. These coins, often small and insignificant in value, symbolize the deep spiritual and moral lessons about generosity.

The Significance of Coins in Biblical Parables

In biblical times, coins like talents, shekels, and denarii were not only used for trade but also carried spiritual and cultural meanings. For example:

  • Talents: These represented large sums of money and symbolized responsibility and the wise use of one’s gifts.
  • Shekels: Common in ancient Israel, used both in everyday transactions and in religious offerings.
  • Denarii: A Roman coin that represented a day’s wage, often symbolizing fairness and labor​.

Discover the significance of coins in a biblical parable nyt, as it unveils timeless lessons on stewardship, faith, and moral responsibility through the lens of ancient scripture.


  1. What is the Parable of the Talents about?
    It is a biblical story where a master gives his servants talents (coins) to manage. The story emphasizes the importance of using one’s gifts and resources wisely.
  2. What lesson does the Parable of the Widow’s Mite teach?
    It teaches that the value of a gift lies in the spirit of giving, not the amount. The widow’s small coins were worth more in God’s eyes because she gave all she had.
  3. What coins are commonly mentioned in biblical parables?
    Coins such as talents, shekels, and denarii are frequently mentioned, each carrying symbolic meanings related to wealth, labor, and responsibility.
  4. How does the NYT crossword incorporate biblical coins?
    The crossword often includes clues related to biblical themes, such as “coins in a biblical parable,” with the answer being talents, reflecting on the Parable of the Talents.
  5. Why are biblical references in crosswords popular?
    Biblical references connect modern puzzle solvers to ancient texts, offering both an educational challenge and a reflection on cultural heritage​.

The exploration of coins in a biblical parable highlights the depth and richness of biblical narratives, teaching timeless lessons about stewardship, generosity, and moral responsibility. These stories continue to resonate in both religious teachings and modern-day contexts, as seen in crossword puzzles and cultural discussions.